This is the emotional moment an ex-Marine turned cop signs off on radio for the last time as he retires after 26 years of service in law enforcement. Robert Monk retired from the Bedford Police Department in Virginia as a patrol sergeant after almost 22 years on the job. He also worked for the Bedford County Sheriff's Office for four years from April 1993 before he started his career at the police department. And prior to that he joined the United States Marine Corps out of high school, serving from April 1989 to April 1993, and is a veteran of Operation Desert Storm. As Robert made his final dispatch call, his son Tyler was on the other end of the radio to congratulate him on his service while daughter Briana captured the moment on video. After Tyler congratulates his dad, a choked-up Robert thanks his fellow officers and says a few inspirational words, including: ‘We all got into this job with the idea that we might be able to save the world. You may not change the world but you may change somebody’s world.’ One-by-one, Robert’s colleagues come onto the radio to say a few congratulatory words, as well as a fellow former Marine who says ‘Semper Fi Devil Dog’ - short for Semper Fidelis, Latin for ‘Always Faithful’, and is the Marine Corps motto.